It's about time! Mon, 20 May 2019 18:26:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193653383 9th-10th Grade Mon, 20 May 2019 17:48:30 +0000

Click on the following url to enroll:

Summer is a time for family vacations, breaks, amusement parks and a 4 Day Summer Math Bootcamp for you. Register Today, . Join @The Black Math Academy and @One Step Closer: Finding the Fun in Math for a Month of Math Booster Tips for your scholar.

The Four Basic Operations

During the summer program enrolled students will learn the following subject matters.

  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Consumer Math


Felicia Fort: Founder/ Visionary of One Step Closer: Finding the Fun in Math

Felicia has a strong pursuit of making individuals see the fun in mathematics through her creative lens through the One Step Closer Foundation. She is a native of New York City but continues to build her platform in Washington, DC. She earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Mathematics and has a Masters of Business Administration. She is the renowned author of The Mentor Model.

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3rd-5th Grade Wed, 08 May 2019 01:08:33 +0000

Click on the following url to enroll :

Master Math Bootcamp Webinar has launched. Want to have your scholars prepared for September 2019 new math class for the new school year. Register them now for a 4 day Webinar Class. $135 (includes registration fee, workbook, 2 black mathematicians and more). Classes start in August 2019. More information is on the Registration Form. Register today,

The Four Basic Operations

During the summer program enrolled students will learn the following subject matters.

  • Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide
  • Fractions/Decimals/Percents
  • Geometry
  • Pre-Algebra
Felicia Fort: Founder/ Visionary of One Step Closer: Finding the Fun in Math

Felicia has a strong pursuit of making individuals see the fun in mathematics through her creative lens through the One Step Closer Foundation. She is a native of New York City but continues to build her platform in Washington, DC. She earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Mathematics and has a Masters of Business Administration. She is the renowned author of The Mentor Model.

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